January 22, 2009
By Courtney Heigers BRONZE, Pretoria, Other
Courtney Heigers BRONZE, Pretoria, Other
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I pull away from your grip
after another unreasonable tiff
I feel the stinging sensation in my throat
while you bask in sensibility
I bare the shame of violent overreaction
while mild geniality hangs on your tongue

I am the piercing, icy water
and you’re the comforting cold
how I struggle to let you go
yet how I struggle to hold

true, I might be the fickle one
while you’re the reasonable
translator of my incoherent blabbering
making me realise
that despite my better judgement
I want you

I wish to taste your soothing mouth
yet I am angered by your lips
I push away your peaceful hands
but I yearn for your fingertips

I am the violent goddess of chaos
whose waves rage unpredictably
I am calm one moment and a storm the next
while you are the sea on a day havoc-free
but what is the sea truly
without beautiful anarchy?

I am the one who is out of my mind
while you’re the one who’s in
you’re my lucky card, my dear,
the joker I’ll hold to win
and yes, I have a fiery soul
and of boundaries I know none
but all I need is a blue eyed calmer
to turn my face up to the sun

The author's comments:
Firstly, I’d like to explain the meaning of the title. Tiamat is believed to be the goddess of the sea, who can throw around her power by causing chaos in the ocean. In this poem, I have written about myself and a previous interest of mine. He was always the calm, logical one, while I seemed to be the irrational, short tempered one. I describe how we quarrel (mostly because of my overreactions) and how he remains placid. I also go on to say that he needs me for the thrill, and that I need him for the peace and warmth. This is one of my personal favourites.

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This article has 2 comments.

on May. 28 2009 at 3:07 pm
BeautifulSoul BRONZE, Toledo, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 37 comments
OMG, I love this poem as well. I had to look up the word Tiamat but I truly understand. In your poem I think your showing how opposites attract and sometimes we need someone to be are other half.


Dacorsha S.

Karlo said...
on Feb. 9 2009 at 10:10 pm
Brilliantly done! I love the way everything flows, the contrasts, everything... It left me speechlees for a moment. It is great to see a young writer with such amazing talent! Keep it up and you'll definitely achive amazing goals!

Hope to see more of your work soon..

Yours Truely
