Things That Everyone Should Experience | Teen Ink

Things That Everyone Should Experience

January 20, 2009
By Anonymous

Long walks along the beach, alone, barefoot, close enough to the ocean to feel its moisture

Flying in an airplane through the cloud, sitting in a window seat, wishing you could open the window to touch the white fluff

Riding in a car along a scenic route, twenty miles over the speed limit, windows rolled down, blasting music while attempting to sing along

Watching the sun set with friends, and staying up late just to be together

Being tag-team tickled to a point where you scream loud enough for the entire community to hear you

The sadness of a death and the peace that comes from within upon acceptance
The feeling of warmth amidst a cold night

The joy of winning

The humbling experience of losing

The excitement of learning, so much that you want to learn more than what can be offered

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