Tell Me Why | Teen Ink

Tell Me Why

January 9, 2015
By poetkay1242 GOLD, Harrison, New York
poetkay1242 GOLD, Harrison, New York
13 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Tell me why your so displeased,
Tell me why you cannot see,
Tell me why you cannot be pleased,
Tell me why you keep within,
Tell me why only anger is seen,
Tell me why you put a mask to see others,
Tell me why I get the worst colors,
Tell me why you put this blame,
Tell me why it’s bittersweet,
Tell me why I am I still here,
Am I bond or am I lost,
Am I bad or am I too good for you,
Am I really yours in your eyes or am I yours through life,
Tell me why,
Tell me,
Tell why it’s only me,
Tell me why you pick on me,
Tell me why you seek me,
Tell me why you turn your back on me,
Tell me why you stab me so,
Tell me why this wound wont heal,
Am I wrong,
Is it me,
Is it life,
Could it be you,
Could it be time,
Tell me why,
Tell me why,
Tell me why you say it isn’t so,
Tell me why the smiles and laughter bother you so,
Tell me why happiness is so far,
Tell me why happiness is just a moment,
Tell me why I’m beat down,
Tell me why I’m down on my knees,
Tell me why you treat me so,
Just tell me why.

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