I'm Hooked! | Teen Ink

I'm Hooked!

January 5, 2009
By Anonymous

Chew, Chew, Blow, Savor, Spit
Chew, Chew, Blow, Savor, Spit
Chew, Chew, Blow, Savor, Spit

I don't know why but I seem to be hooked.
It is the same habit every year, every month, every week, every day, every hour, every minute, every second.

It is the smallest thing, yet so addicting.

Its not weed, its not cigarettes, its not cutting, its not weapons.
It is not any normal thing to get hooked on.

For me its gum.
Chew, Chew, Blow, Savor, Spit
Chew, Chew, Blow, Savor, Spit
Chew, Chew, Blow, Savor, Spit

I can quit anytime I want to.

But thats just it.
That just proves that I'm Hooked.

It may seem harmless because it makes your teeth strong.
You think it whitens your teeth.
But it gives you cavities and headaches.
And last time I checked, that is not so pleasant.

So all I know, is that I'm hooked and I need help.

Chew, Chew, Blow, Savor, Spit
Chew, Chew, Blow, Savor, Spit
Chew, Chew, Blow, Savor, Spit

I'm Hooked!

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 31 2009 at 2:55 pm
sorry...a little slow here....what is it that your hooked on exactly?