i believe | Teen Ink

i believe

December 18, 2014
By ashhdiego GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
ashhdiego GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I believe that everyone’s opinions and thoughts matter, and should be heard no matter how old you are. Sometimes people disregard the opinions of minors because they believe that they are only kids, and they’re too young to know what they want and how they feel. Regardless of age, everyone’s opinions in my mind are relevant because nobody is wrong for feeling how they feel.
I’ve experienced this situation first hand, considering that I’ve spent the last two years searching for a voice that can be heard amongst adults. I made the decision my sophomore year to discontinue my relationship with my father, something I had finally built up the courage to do after a life of misery and pain. Thinking that I had been old enough to make a rational decision at sixteen, and have my feelings respected, I cut ties with my dad. From that point on, my father chose not to listen to a single thing I’ve had to say; rather, he pointed the finger at everyone else instead of at himself. This was because he believed I, the little girl he raised to be independent, was no longer capable of making my own decisions at this age. When the court then became involved, I wasn’t able to defend myself because I am a minor, and in this case I couldn’t have a voice in my own situation.  Until the day I turn eighteen, it’s as if my opinion doesn’t matter, and I believe that is an unfair situation to be stuck in.
So next time you may believe that someone is too young to feel the way they do, you could really be harming someone. Always keep in the back of your mind that everyone is entitled to his or her own thoughts and feelings. No matter if they are 16 or 61. I believe that everyone should be treated and viewed as equals, because it is unfair to value someone’s opinion who is older, rather than someone who is younger with possibly the same opinion. With this mindset, so many younger kids who need to voice their opinion will be able to instead of not having a voice among the rest of us.

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