Soul Food | Teen Ink

Soul Food

November 30, 2014
By RobbieRey BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
RobbieRey BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Food is Delicious
Sometimes I can be malicious.
When I get so hungry
I just want to eat,
Because when my stomach is replete
I have the energy to do what is needed.
However, sometimes I forget
That others are starving
Out on the street
With nothing to eat.
No where to sleep
In the freezing cold.
I am sure it gets really old.
You ask yourself, “What can I do?”
Look around and take in
The view.
We may not have all we want,
But we have what we need.
And by helping others
Isn’t that?
What makes us complete!

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