Silhoutted in Blue | Teen Ink

Silhoutted in Blue

December 18, 2008
By Anonymous

Gentle waves from the deepest of blacks
Silhoutted in blue
Drag me under, suffocating my senses
Until nothing makes sense and nothing exists;
I need to come up, I need to breath,
But yet and still,
I want to stay submerged in the billowing
Raging calm
Of the deepest of blacks, silhoutted in blue.

Out of nowhere a beacon of hope,
Smooth as silk,
Reaches out to me and purrs my name.
Slowly but surely, my senses arrive.
I open my eyes, thinking to see emptiness,
But once again,
Gentle waves of the deepest of blacks
Silhoutted in blue
Pulls up my anchor, and drifts me out to sea...

How can I escape this terrible delight?,
Of deepest of blacks silhoutted in blue
Once I move
To try to resist the urge to get lost
I go deeper...
I go deeper...

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