Plot Lines | Teen Ink

Plot Lines

September 29, 2014
By Karavold BRONZE, Hainesport, New Jersey
Karavold BRONZE, Hainesport, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I'm not living." - Jonathan Safran Foer

They say that they'll shoot for the moon and the stars
While we sit on the grass strumming broken guitars,
Breaking deals, losing bets, buying wishes.
But war's breaking out, we've got nowhere to run,
The night's getting strong in the dying day's sun.
And we've yet to return to the dishes.

The stovetop is burning, pot's spewing out steam,
And we'll try clinging on to the American Dream,
But we're lost, we're confused, and we're breaking.
The things is that no one observes the forgotten,
The misfits, the liars, the hearts that have rotten,
Caught up in these lives that we're faking.

But I've heard that it's better to try to be wise,
To stare at the books from sunset to sunrise,
And look at our lives like a story.
Monotonous days are the killers of plots.
They'll make you forget to connect all the dots.
You'll be lost to the world in false glory.

And I've heard that it's better to try to be brave,
Forget all the rules, break some bones, misbehave.
It's a break in the cold repetition.
But adventures are odd, are confusing, are naught
But a dream once remembered, a dream I forgot,
An escape from a failed rescue mission.

Bravery is known to go only so far
When your life's on the line and it kills what you are,
But this journey was made for a fighter.
So try to remember- it's not that you're weak.
Your bones will not shatter, your mind will not creak,
And from here it can only get brighter.

So sing your sad songs. You can grieve all you please.
Do whatever you think puts your body at ease.
Your burdens will soon start to lighten.
Your mind's seeing stars and your spirit can't die.
You're a life that was made to be more than a lie.
You're a life that was born to enlighten.

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