The Rain Man | Teen Ink

The Rain Man

July 14, 2014
By Kahsime BRONZE, Cooper City, Florida
Kahsime BRONZE, Cooper City, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Through training, comes mastery. Through mastery, comes victory

Rain, rain, go away,
Come again some other day.
Like great tears the drops splash,
Together they all mash.
I watch in awe,
But to go outside in the rain is against my mother's law.
The droplets dance inviting me,
This beautiful ballad goes on as far as the eye can see.
To my surprise,
A beautiful man forms before my very eyes.
To me he beckons,
As though to my arrival he is counting down the seconds.
Nervously I look around,
From my family's rooms there is not a sound.
As quick as lightning I dart out the door.
My feet practically do not touch the floor.
I run into his arms,
and he woes me,
speaking of my many charms.
His eyes and hair are grey,
Like clouds on a stormy day.
We dance under the rain,
and I feel as though I am finally free of my chain.
We continue on like this for hours,
and slowly the storm turns into little showers.
My partner starts to fade away,
promising me we would dance another day.
I stand alone in the rain,
little knowing I would never see him again.

The author's comments:
It was raining today so it got me thinking about rain.

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