Nobody's Perfect | Teen Ink

Nobody's Perfect

October 14, 2013
By Lynnsey107 BRONZE, Waterford, Michigan
Lynnsey107 BRONZE, Waterford, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She was the house in the middle of no where,
the one people passed and didn't even notice.
The house that had a creek in the door
and a couple floorboards missing.
Where the paint on the walls was chipping
and siblings had to share rooms.
The one that’s yard isn’t perfectly green
and had a driveway made from gravel
instead of smooth black pavement.
The one that doesn't have a white picket fence
or a beautiful garden welcoming you into it.
The one the has a large weeping willow
Draping over the side of the molding house.
But one day,
people will begin to notice it
when other houses begin to surround it,
it will be the most important.
It will be remembered,
It will be the original,
The one there from the beginning,
That no one would dare to forget about.

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