Autumn Morning | Teen Ink

Autumn Morning

October 3, 2008
By brit708j SILVER, Albuquerque, New Mexico
brit708j SILVER, Albuquerque, New Mexico
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Rise new day.
The red sky is turning blue.
Glistening dew upon my lawn
as my home greets early dawn.

Delicious fragrances swirling in the air
as flowers sway without a care.
A rooster says good morning in a call so bold
while the rest hide in bed avoiding the cold.

Fog creeps across the street
while birds search for food to eat.
Crickets chirp quietly as birds form a choir.
Sun glaring through the windows, begging for sleep to expire.

Wake up. Wake up. A new day is here.
Stop hiding in bed, there's nothing to fear.
The sun smiles at us sleeping below,
trying to wake us, to say hello.

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