In Your Eyes | Teen Ink

In Your Eyes

September 26, 2008
By cuti26 PLATINUM, Burton, Michigan
cuti26 PLATINUM, Burton, Michigan
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every time I look in a mirror
I see you
In my eyes
In my smile
In my tears
This can’t be over
This can’t be it
Don’t you see?
Everything we could be
Close your eyes
Say anything but good byes
Look me in the eye
And lose all definition of the word I
This distance seems never ending
So in this time, I hope our hearts are mending
Hand in hand is where we should be
So I’ll hold myself and make believe
Love is what this is going to be
The chance of you feeling the same
Was always just to much
I hate having to only dream of your touch
When you hold me its never quite close enough
It hasn’t been the same
Now that we’re playing a different game
So we walk down this road
Lost in self destruction mode
So we try to walk forward
Not together, not alone
I can hold up, on my own
So put two and two together
And realize that I’m yours for forever
I hope one day you think of me
Realize everything I see we could be
The potential is over whelming
Just to much to bear
So led me there
To that secret place
Where love defines the look on my face
Where smiles don’t come from lies
And lost alibis
Where the only reason tears flow
Is because this happiness doesn’t have a low

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