The Farmer | Teen Ink

The Farmer

May 28, 2013
By Matt Winton BRONZE, Hendersonville, Tennessee
Matt Winton BRONZE, Hendersonville, Tennessee
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Laurence Miner
A farmer some say
Feeds his whole family
With almost no pay
He works in the World
Walking shoes to the sole
With the focus and vision
Of a singular goal
The harvest is ripe
He holds true in his heart
Remains steadfast in purpose
No divergence or part
Lost mothers he has
Reunited with children
Brought boys to their knees
As they stood, became men
Shown kindness to strangers
Clothed the frostbitten and damned
Poured the Water of Life
The Blood of the Lamb
Mr. Miner, he lives in the
Soul of that city
Never casting a judgement
Or providing his pity
He lives as a farmer
Reaping souls for his Love
Showing the lost
They are welcome above

The author's comments:
An inspirational kind of man who many aspire to be.

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