Moved Along... | Teen Ink

Moved Along...

May 11, 2013
By ragypandah BRONZE, Newburgh, New York
ragypandah BRONZE, Newburgh, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The same reason that atheist can't find God is the same reason that thieves can't find the police.

It starts with a thought.
Then a blush.
A full-blown slap hits you in the face when you realize it.
You like them.
Or maybe you love them.
It's whatever, you do you.
You guys get involved, like the type where you guys text almost everyday.
When you can't stop bragging to your friends about how great they are
When your head is in the clouds because that's the only person you can think about
When you get butterflies in your stomach by just thinking of their smile
When you can't even say their name.
And then you see them again.
But, then, they seem not to notice you at all, like you're just one other person in the population of 7 billion people
And not...their special someone.
You ask “What's wrong?” But they brush you off saying “Nothing.”
But you know them, you know when they are lying.
You inquire more about it, why?
Because you care.
Not to be a saint, not to get praise, not to feel better about themselves.
But because... they give a damn about you.
But they don't seem to give a rat's a**.
They say that they aren't special to you because you're being “nice” to them like you are to “everyone else”.
And you cry.
And you shake.
You try your music up to more than 100% to drown the worries you have.
Why? care.
But then you realize.
You shouldn't make people your priority when they are only your option.
So you let go, you drift away.
You don't care anymore.
Because if they aren't willing to talk, neither should you.
You do walk away with two or three scars, but it has made you all the more stronger and smarter.
And you can rest a bit knowing...
That they are still caught up in the past while... you have moved on.

The author's comments:
I got this from personal experience.

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