The Orange Lustrous Sun... | Teen Ink

The Orange Lustrous Sun...

September 10, 2008
By Anonymous

The orange lustrous sun over the outstretched horizon.
The dull gray sky on a rainy day.
The obscurity and blackness of night.
The luminous flowers in May.

The invisible force that blows against the trees.
The fog that rests over the still-sitting lake.
The pattering rain that hits the earth.
The shimmering white upon winters’ flakes.

The bedazzling stars that concur nights’ sky.
The wilting of the tall willow trees.
The radiance of the clear blue sea.
The silent traveling of the leaves.

It inspires, motivates and enlivens me,
Like the sun on a hot summer day.
My feelings take over and my mood starts to change
And soon I begin to array.

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