No Matter What | Teen Ink

No Matter What

September 9, 2008
By Anonymous

Beeing a teenager stared off cool
Going to High School stared off cool
Then it all got ROUGH.
Beeing talk abot everyday.PEER PREASURE,little boys kissing girls with big brest and butts,and little girls thinking that there all of that then a bag of chips....

Beeing told you cant play sports,you suck,why do yoy play? you sorry...Agreeing with it because you know you suck and sorry "doughter" is what we call you....but you walks around like theres nothing wrong

Beeing the wounder woaman that you are not letting nothing show so you keep a smlie on your face to show that theres nothing wrong as you walk around with the smile on your face you think to your self "no matter what i still i stand"

The author's comments:
this poem repersents me this is waht i go throw in life and is everyday and i call my self wounder woman because i stand strong and dont let whatever it is to show as a face expression i puts on a smile to hide it everyday and i do dought my self and everything sports and school because i dont belive in myself like i should

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