Ill Love You Forever | Teen Ink

Ill Love You Forever

September 6, 2008
By Anonymous

Once you were gone
My life didn’t feel the same.
from the family you were withdrawn
and I wondered when I got to heaven if you’d even remember my name
I wanted to know if I would remember you, if you would remember me
and if when I got there it would be you I would first see.
Everyone said you were still with us,
Now watching over us and guiding us,
Helping us move in the right direction
But I didn’t believe them.
I thought that since I couldn’t see you, you weren’t there.
But I could feel your spirit around me in the air.
I wasn’t sure though how the living and dead could be connected.
But you showed me, so many times.
When I had trouble you were there,
I felt you helping me make right decisions.
When bad things happen you were there,
I saw your picture and I felt comforted.
For anything that happened to me, you were there,
like a warm blanket protecting me.
You made me sure of so many things in life.
I use pray to see you again,
to be able to say good-bye,
I would pray for you to know how much I love and miss you.
But now I know.
I know that you can feel how much I miss you
and how much you meant to me.
And I don’t want to say goodbye anymore.
Because I know that when I get to heaven,
I will get to say hello because
you are the first one I will see.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem after my grandfather died. I had read a poem in my english class that inspired me to write this and I wrote it in the hopes that it can inspire someone else to express their feelings. Losing someone is the worst feeling in the world but happy ways to remember them can always make it better.

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