Sleep My Beauty | Teen Ink

Sleep My Beauty

August 21, 2008
By Anonymous

A man with childhood tragedies sits and stares from the window of his room.
He admires beautiful women from afar, attached to their physiques.
Hundreds of people walk by every day on the bustling streets, not even glancing up his way.
This disheveled man waits for the perfect girl, the exact moment, to generate his happiness.

His new fixation was a young woman who walked by.
Where she was going or who she was seeing was of no relevance.
He sat looking down at her, wanting her and everything about her.
Timing the minute she walked by, a plan was derived and carried out.

The man went and laid helplessly in front of the building in which he stayed.
She ran over seeking to what she thought was an ill and feeble man.
He rose to his feet and asked her to guide him to his place, and her generous soul did.
Once inside, he made the young woman a drink which held more than the eye could see.

Drugged, his new victim had been put into a coma, an everlasting sleep state.
Placing her in a glass coffin surrounded by other beauties, he stood back and smiled.
It was another day, just another possession; another woman that he could forever look upon in the lonely days to come.

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