Scholastic Lament | Teen Ink

Scholastic Lament

August 27, 2008
By Anonymous

An empty skull filled with sand,
Preaches glory to this land.
An eager death, a happy slave,
No one left worthy to save.

Dreadful cities, with blood red streets,
A dirty hand, counting our defeats,
A tongueless mouth, gasping and gaping,
Footless runners, leaping and chasing.

No one to remember this sad old place,
No one to kiss a warm young face,
Stuck forever in a doorless hall
An inferno of fire reigning down on all.

Locked away forever in this prison of time,
My sentence everlasting, and youth my crime,
Arrogance my warden, false assumptions my guard,
No way to live free, no way to play hard.

Play the game by the rules, they say
Or you won’t have a chance,
If you never learn to lie,
You’ll never learn to dance.

They know nothing of love,
And care nothing for dreams,
Not the blind old curators
Of these sad old machines.

The author's comments:
its funny how our truest thoughts and fellings get scribled in the margines of life.

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