Baby, oh Baby | Teen Ink

Baby, oh Baby

August 26, 2008
By Anonymous

Have you opened your eyes to the world today?
Notice anything kinda strange?
9, 10, 11, and 12 too young and ignorant
But not young enough to lay down and reveal her paradise
You thought the china faced dolls and Barbies would hold her
But little did you know it would be a grown man that would
Late nights while you were in your trance, she was out, at her spot, 4 money she would dance
Too scared to say no, so anything she would do
Guess you didn't realize until she missed it that June
Happy Birthday! Your little girl just turned 9
An easy bake oven is all you could afford this time
In the back of her mind, she thought in time, the oven was behind.
She got the best birthday present God could've ever given her
she didn't want it, well not at that time.
You thought nothing of her morning pukes and her stomach pains
Just thought she had a virus that would go away in some days.
6 months later, her tiny frame has shattered
Shocked at the sifht, with questions you battered
But little does it matter, its too late
Your little baby girl was in her own world while you were too busy trying to make ends meet
Damn you didn't see how her abdominal grew?
How her face would puff and feet so fat she couldn't fit a shoe
Pay attention young mothers and mothers old too
Watch your lil girls, install some rules!
Baby, oh baby!
Babies havin babies!
Damn this world is amazin!

The author's comments:
This was a piece I had to create for my 12th gd English and Comp class. I recieved an A on it. Please tell me what you think of it

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