I'll Carry On Your Memory | Teen Ink

I'll Carry On Your Memory

August 26, 2008
By Anonymous

Your memory was muddled.
You couldn’t recognize me.
You would cry when you saw me.
Your fragile body enveloped in your chair,
And I would go home and cry, pray, and kick in the air.
My comfort was gone even though you’re still there.
I didn’t want to feel your pain,
But I did, I felt it.
So I would take a seat, hold your pale hand, and
I would pray to God you’d be my
Grandma again.
I put my faith in God,
But now you’re gone.
He wanted you home,
That I understand.
A daughter, a mother, a grandma, a wife.
You didn’t go without a fight.
I love you Grandma,
Always have, always will.
And now all I have is a few pictures,
Of you holding me, or that time
When I was stuck in a tree,
You were a great person Grandma,
I promise you,
I’ll carry on you’re memory.

Rest in Peace
Judy H.
I Miss You Grandma

The author's comments:
I like to dance, tumble, play volleyball and violin. I wrote this poem in honor of my Grandmother, Judy Homrig. She was loved and died confused from the deadly disease Altzeihmers.

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