Yellow Comfort | Teen Ink

Yellow Comfort

August 14, 2008
By Anonymous

Solid, Yellow
Waiting, Mellow
Never lets me down,
Never fails to be around.
Helped me through years of school,
spelled everything out, so I didn't lose my cool.
Lived through sharpeners and bites,
broken hearts and sleepless nights.
I finally used up the last bit,
it's all gone from eraser to tip.
The last thing i could write with its gray lead,
before, in a trash can, it lays down to bed.
Bye, Bye pencil, I enjoyed our time,
Don't worry, I'll be fine.
You were my favorite, just so you know,
eraser never smudged, lead never dull.
Thank you, pencil, for letting me write,
Just this one last thing tonight.
Just want you to know, you were always there for me,
And now i'll find a new pencil, where ever it might be.

The author's comments:
i reallt wanted to write, but was fresh out of inspiration. So i just looked down at my hand and there was my almost-gone pencil. Anything can be inspiration. =)

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