The Straw Finally Broke the Camel's Back | Teen Ink

The Straw Finally Broke the Camel's Back

January 18, 2008
By Anonymous

Frustration, pain, anguish
Insecurities, worrieness
If these are the feelings
That are embedded inside
During this time
The supposedly “best years of my life”
Than don’t know if I ever want to grow up

The mask that is glued to my face
Is one that I did not glue on
It was picked out for me
By people that don’t even know me

Everyone doesn’t understand
How I get how they feel
Well the reason I know
Is that same fire is inside of me
I am like a shadow
Dark yet shady

Tooth picks are what we aspire to be
Food that we love become our worst enemies
We run away from
The people that we love
To booze and boom
But in the end we lose

Why is it that we
Push away the people
That we care about
And are so eager
To talk to the ones that are toxic,
We can trust a person
That we hardly know
But are afraid to tell our friends
the real truth
That we can talk
Easily to a person that we hate
But can’t find the words
To say that a person that you love

The big brothers
Of our world are closer that you think
Knowing your every move
Be careful who u treat.
Your mind is an object
That sometimes you don’t even own

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