At the Bottom of the Glass | Teen Ink

At the Bottom of the Glass

February 1, 2008
By Anonymous

Sometimes you just feel down, with an empty cup.
You just can't gather your strength,
Feeling too weak to stand up.

Every once in a you just feel pain,
Don't want to wake up or face the day again,
Sometimes you just feel down, with an empty cup.

It falls upon you and steals away your cheer,
Depressing times, a day of the year,
Feeling too weak to stand up.

The pain consumes you, you feel the grief,
You just sit back and grit your teeth,
Sometimes you just feel down, with an empty cup.

You can't help cry, can't stop your weeping,
Feeling stressed out, having trouble sleeping,
Feeling to weak to stand up.

It is as if someone else has drunk your fill,
Taking away your allotment of good times,
You feel crushed, unable to rise up,
Sometimes you just feel down, with an empty cup.

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