losing myself | Teen Ink

losing myself

August 7, 2008
By Anonymous

I look out the window and for once
theres no reflection
no ones there to stare back at me,
to judge me,
to remind me of how bad I feel without you
I go to the mirror
my reflections a mess
without you I feel even less
you made me,
you broke me,
you changed me
your all that I want,
your all that I need,
your all my mind seems to see
these days it's all songs about what we used to be,
what we use to have,
and how i still love you but I gotta let you go
and yet I still know that one day we will again be we
but not now,
not yet,
not while we're not set
set with our decisions,
our feelings and the other beings in our lives

The author's comments:
I wrote this because I recently got my heart broken by a guy that was everything to me. When I wrote this all my feelings were going through the pen and onto the paper. It made me feel better about everything that was going on. I was letting it all out.

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