The New Beginning | Teen Ink

The New Beginning

August 5, 2008
By Anonymous

winter is a white coat that spreads out.
when no one comes about.
as the children comes aboard and play.
all kinds of gifts and things to say.
as they begun to play in the snow.
as they don't know where else to go.
when they all made up a game to use.
as they played snowball fight as one fell and lost his shoe.
as the little one begins to fall and get back up.
as they all stare, but no tears begin to erupt.
they help him arrive to his feet.
they dug down in the snow to see what was beneath.
when they are moving in the snow.
as they go deep as they snow fall and go.
when they saw a bird with a broken wing.
they all came together to find a song to sing.
now they found out what winter is all about.
winter is one thing we'll never be without.

The author's comments:
This a poem that i wrote to years ago entiltled Winter. Winter is a poem about a couple of kids that just found out what winter was. when they came, they didn't want to go home cause upon all they fun and games they had. At the end they had discovered what winter was all about.

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