dance to the beats | Teen Ink

dance to the beats

July 31, 2008
By Bettina Nunez GOLD, Carlsbad, California
Bettina Nunez GOLD, Carlsbad, California
12 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Dance to the Beats

The beats make you bounce
With ears ringing,
Hearts thumping,
to a song
blasting through the speakers.

As teenagers start to loosen
a tight circle forms.
Bodies close
moving together to the music,
not talking but dancing.

Each person swaying
and smiling,
through each other’s eyes.
As the song starts to fade and a new one begins..

The circle disappears
and a slow dance begins.
Couples come together
and friends form into pairs,
arms around necks and waist,
two bodies move as one.
So close to each other,
And moving to the slow beat.

As the couples separate
and the song ends,
kisses are given
and hugs are tight.
But before it’s known
Thump, thump, thump.
The beats are back
For even more fun.

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