Truth Doesn't Make Noise | Teen Ink

Truth Doesn't Make Noise

July 31, 2008
By Anonymous

Sitting in an empty room,
Silent more than it could be,
Empty moments in my head,
As blank walls stare at me.

The comfort of someone with me,
Is nowhere to be found,
But the comfort of my company
Replaces the missing sounds

Thoughts run through my head,
Some far too fast to dwell on,
When I go to find my thinking,
It’s gone, and now I have none.

The ceiling reflects them back to me
And makes it feel like Déjà vu,
Thoughts too great for me to have thought them,
Some too good to be true.

I become something I never knew,
Someone I hoped to be,
Someone I could admire,
Someone I hoped could be me.

A person that sits in an empty room,
And stares at a blank wall,
At that moment knows nothing but thoughts,
But somehow knows it all.

Then I stand from where I’m sitting,
Everything is out of sight,
I look around an empty room,
And to no one, I whisper goodnight.

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