Ribbon | Teen Ink


July 30, 2008
By Alyssa Lacis GOLD, Lincoln, North Dakota
Alyssa Lacis GOLD, Lincoln, North Dakota
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

you can persecute all you want.
You'll just bore me to tears.
Lead me to the gallows,or the place where the guillotine lies.

I'll follow like a sheep to slaughter.A lamb to laughter of forgotten souls.Dress me in white.Keep that ribbon tight.
Black round my neck for which my soul to hold.

Won't bend.Except to blade.Make me fall.Lose the cause for all.
But I'll die with this ribbon around my neck.

So maybe my soul will wait.
When my head and heart are gone.
I can follow you home.
Maybe make you choke.
For the thing that binds me so close.Is the love and hate in the stones that you throw.
So unknowing.

So dance with me.And we'll blame it on the gravity.Of this situation.And I could describe.With all the tears I could cry.Just how much you never meant to me.

won't bend.Except to blade.
Make me fall,lose the cause for all;But I'll die with this ribbon round my neck.

The author's comments:
this poem is also a song.It was inspired by the death of Anne Boelyn,and the Salem Witch Trials.

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