What Happens | Teen Ink

What Happens

May 23, 2012
By luvChica_12 BRONZE, Duncan, Arizona
luvChica_12 BRONZE, Duncan, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What can happen is something inviting
What can happen is something delighting
What can happen is something worthwhile
What can happen is something more hostile

What happened here was *unimaginable*
What happened here was *unexplainable*
What happened here was a *tragedy*
What happened here was god's *stragedy.*

What happens now is *griefing*
What happens now is *weeping*
What happens now is not *easy going*
What happens now is *undefining*

What will happen is no more *tears*
What will happen is no more *fears*
What will happen is no more* blues*
What will happen is remembering ***you**

The author's comments:
Recently, I lost my brstfriend and this is a poem that I wrote to get out my emotions.

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