Satan's Favorite Playmate | Teen Ink

Satan's Favorite Playmate

June 4, 2012
By American_Inspiration SILVER, New York City, New York
American_Inspiration SILVER, New York City, New York
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What reason is there for Death to come and veil out world in caliginosity?
He lies in wait, silhouetted by dissembling shadows.
He says naught but a prelude when he draws near,
But his presence gives rise to an abiding dystopia.

Death seizes out very existence and annihilates all that we love
As he sheathes our world in negativity.
We see the earth through jaded eyes
As Death coerces us to confront the dolor induced by his work.

Death is definitive, yet unpredictable;
We must heed all admonitions when Death lingers in the darkness, informing us that the end is near.
Sometimes, however, he chooses to ascend from the depths of He** and claim his victim without so much as a warning.
Death is an eternity of what we make it out to be;
We can accept it and triumph in the life we have today,
Or we can lie in anguish, waiting for the day we shall dance with Death.

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