Undefined | Teen Ink


June 6, 2012
By AbbyM BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
AbbyM BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live life to the fullest without regrets"

I am life
The realization of you,
Sometimes unpredictable
Always here,
Never going anywhere
The same routine
Day in and day out,
Sorry to say but,
Eventually I will
Come to a…
End just like
True yet,
Hard to think about.

I am sorrow
The darkest of your days, the
End of your world,
That bad feeling you get
Like a ghost
Bristling past,
I make you tremble, shivers
Putting your hair on end,
Spacing through time,
You’re lost
In hopelessness
Reaching out,
But no one’s there.

I am blackness
A storm that never
Consuming happiness
With black hole suction,
Making you numb
Taking you deep into
This unknown land
Of your unimaginable thoughts,
Wrapping you in
A roaring sea of
Mysterious hell and fury
From so much
Distrusting discomfort

I am the knife
That leaves you in
Agonizing pain,
Wounded and aching,
Screaming, bleeding,
Ripping and scorching
Heart and soul
Digging deeper
Turning, to make sure
That you’re no longer
Because I can’t stand
The person that
Brought me here.

I am a Nightmare
Your very worst
The one you have
Night and day,
A dream about a soft kitten
Snuggling next to sunshine,
Suddenly ripped to
Shreds by a
Bomb of fire,
Then you notice
That kitten was…

I am the exotic,
The people that are considered
I mock you,
Your everyday life style,
Yet I look
Like nothing
Ever imagined,
Splattered across
A black canvas,
Or am I
A reflection, of
Your fears?
Dancing around in your head
Like a clown?
Messing you up
Like strobe lights
In the dark
Mysterious and creepy
Clip after clip?

I am a black and white
Lifeless, colorless,
Draining your soul
Longing to be so
Trying to grasp your
A misty figure,
Black gravel paths
Occupying us
Distances apart,
Craving sun
To shimmer righteousness.

I am a dead rose
Once beautiful glistening
From morning dew
In the sun,
Blossoming strong,
Now drooped over, dead
Drained of all color,
No nurture left
Given, alone in the vase
Wilted over
And almost black,
Crinkling and crumbling
At your fingertips.

I am that girl
Who hides away
Afraid of life,
Because to live
Has got to be,
To the fullest, and I
I haven’t done so,
The hard cover I put up
Only for protection
Like a turtle in its
Shell, lost in my
Own presence
Searching, seeking
Love and family

But never finding
What I suffer for…

The author's comments:
this poem is about me and my life

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 11 2013 at 12:18 pm
carmenjean BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail? ~Unknown

Very intense and great imagery. This poem is relateable, yet untouchable. I love the bittersweet contradiction your words possess and it was very enjoyable to read. Thanks for sharing!