Ink Waltz | Teen Ink

Ink Waltz

July 25, 2008
By Anonymous

Painting your face like a doll
Hoping, wishing someone will call
Sitting there in your beautiful dress
Waiting for your goodnight kiss none the less
It’s past nine
You’re still thinking ‘he’s only a little late, it will be fine’
Midnight has fallen down on you
Black tears rundown into a pool that shows a dance for two
A beautiful girl in a white gown
You look down
Watching her and a young man dance
You take the last glance
Close your eyes
Get away from all the lies
Open once again to watch the show
You hear dance music real low
Hearing footsteps you look to see
The young man stepped out of the ink to set you free
You have time to stray
Dance the night away
In your night’s last moment there is no delays
One last dance as your body decays

The author's comments:
Writing is one big part of my life, If I could do it as an occupation I would take up the offer, I write about Tragic Romances, Death, History, Drugs, and everything I know. I've not lived the best life, but I'm making it.

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