Do I matter at all? | Teen Ink

Do I matter at all?

July 25, 2008
By Anonymous

Do I matter?

The tears etched into my face

Just waiting to fall

As you walk away

Do I matter at all

You say you're my friend

We talk every day

I want to be your friend

But in a different way

I can never be her

Every day a new name

She catches your fancy

I want to do the same

You read the sadness

like a story from a book

But never once guessed the reason

My face bears this look

It was you

All the time

Everyday I looked sad

Life occasionally

But always needing you bad

I smile play it off

Tell a story make a joke

While silently begging

Fix my heart that he broke

You never noticed how the slightest touch makes me smile

Or how that kiss on my cheek I thought of a while.

A hug and a kiss

Now a memory saved

A hug and a kiss

Small attention I craved

Now you know how I feel

I can't hide it at all

Just one question for you

Do I matter at all?

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