Time for Recess | Teen Ink

Time for Recess

May 16, 2012
By Mallory Thompson BRONZE, Lawrence, Kansas
Mallory Thompson BRONZE, Lawrence, Kansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Time for Recess
Those three words alone
could make the ears of every student
perk up like a dog told it’s going for a walk.

Every day, every year

until 7th grade

when the replacement for recess is shoving you

outside into the cold after lunch to stand on the unfriendly concrete.
The instant you pass through the door frame,
it’s a dead sprint to your favorite activity.
Monkey bars, kickball, four square, tetherball,
digging in the rocks, sliding down the slide.

Then, high school.

Stuck inside

seven hours a day,

no fresh air

unless you must trek

to the annex.
Having the time of your life
until you hear the two loud screeches of the whistle,
and it’s time to line up.
Sprinting, again, to be the first in line.

There’s a reason high school students

are always talking to their friends during class

and being rowdy.

We need to hear those three words again.

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