Dreams of Elders | Teen Ink

Dreams of Elders

July 16, 2008
By Anonymous

You will float into you own land,
And rise from your bed to fly.

When you arrive friends will greet you,
They will dance and sing happy to meet you.

One being will stand out entrancing you,
And enter your thought like the moon in the night.

It will touch your heart,
Your soul, your mind.
It is your love.

It will open a door to a distant light,
And urge you to open you wings and take flight.

You look back afraid of leaving,
But there is nothing to leave.

Your feathered wings spread,
There! You’ve caught the wind.

“Awake, it is time to go, awake,”
This voice thrusts you back to your bed.

“You did not have to shout or yell,” you say,
“For you screaming has interrupted my dreaming.”

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