Birds | Teen Ink


July 22, 2008
By Anonymous

Songs of sinners,
hopes of lovers,
rise up, up to the trees.

Dreams of children,
crys of mourners,
rise up, up to the sky.

Praises for leaders,
scrutiny for lies,
all rise higher, higher.

Like the birds in a sea of blue,
soar on to the sun,
and evaporate in the day's bright light.

All problems of life,
of death,
of truth,
of lies,
float in the breeze,
fly away,
the birds of our minds.

The author's comments:
I wrote this on a whim. It is not one of my best pieces, but I figured that it is very true. I believe that it displays the hypocrisy of people in our world today. It shows how all people have two diverse sides that they can't control.

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