Have You Ever Been..........? | Teen Ink

Have You Ever Been..........?

July 12, 2008
By Anonymous

Have you ever been.........
hurt by a friend who pretended to be there for you
who said that they'll always be your friend and that they will always been true?
Have you ever............
had a boyfriend who said that they will be faithful
that they will never hurt you at all
then out of nowhere they hurt you
and you felt like you had a hard fall?
Have you been..........
yelled at by your teachers to listen
and when they ask you whats wrong you say nothing but look away
you feel like no one is true
and you take your frustrations out on the teacher and you would leave them dumbstruck with nothin left to say?
Have You Ever Been......
Used by guys just for your body?
but you try and see through to their so called heart
they ask you to do all these stuff for them
but you won't let it happen because you don't want it to start
If you haven't then way do you judge me the way you do?
I'm not like every girl and i dont want to be
i want to be me and that's all
So if you don't know me then you you should try to see me for me

The author's comments:
My name is Erica and I'm only 14, yet i have all these things to say about life,love,school,drama,backstabbers and i try to focus my energy on me and my friends. i try not to let what people say about me to affect me.

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