Light of Hope | Teen Ink

Light of Hope

July 10, 2008
By Anonymous

A storm is raging inside my head
Two in the morning, awake in my bed
Connections being cut off all through my brain
I lie there shaking, remembering when my thoughts I could explain
My body seems so drained
I feel the need to be unchained
I keep thinking there’s somewhere to turn
But no one’s help can I seem to earn
Bad decisions, a hasty mistake
The life-alterations I know they all make
I twist in my bed, pulling the covers up tight
I think toward the future and know this is right
The future is planned and decisions made
The light of hope will no longer fade
It’s growing brighter and closer by the day
That light of hope is our perfect gateway
My muscles relax as I proclaim to the night
I love you, babe and I’m holding on tight

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