hand in hand | Teen Ink

hand in hand

July 22, 2008
By Bettina Nunez GOLD, Carlsbad, California
Bettina Nunez GOLD, Carlsbad, California
12 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Hand in hand

It’s funny to remember
How my friends and I met.
From a line in school,
to a tetherball game,
then a Wednesday band class,
from a trip walking home,
and a band room.

Our friendships have lasted years,
and memories can be gained.
From the first birthdays together,
to the special concerts,
the trips to the mall
cramming into the photo booth.

My friends have changed me though
each in a special way,
they make me stronger,
give me support
and tell me their thoughts,
no matter how hard it is.
we complete each other
even if we don’t know it.

As high school approaches,
appearing sooner and closer,
I know our friendships will be stronger,
My best friends and I
walking hand in hand
stepping into the future

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