Only Friend | Teen Ink

Only Friend

July 22, 2008
By Anonymous

My new friends name is Lennon.
With a green hat he wears.
Pin thin and very short.
Sharp outlook overall.
He says to me "Take me, take me for what they did."
And you listen to him as you put it to your skin.
He's telling you he'll help, and that he'll never leave.
And you think of how he left and then you started to believe.
And then the red painted canvas on your skin,
But it wasn't good enough.
Not enough has changed yet, you're not yet enough numb.
So you press harder this time, feel it spike your skin.
After you pull him out, It's finally sunken in.
You got yourself into this mess, because no one was there.
You did it to escape yourself, but he's the only one to leave.
So where does that lead me?
I can't sit here and bleed.

The author's comments:
I think by reading my poem, everyone can tell what it's about, and that's okay.
I use to have that problem and I finally got help, and if anything, when kids read this poem, I hope that it inspires the one who has the same problem to go and get help.

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