The Divide | Teen Ink

The Divide

January 19, 2012
By AbelTheGreat BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
AbelTheGreat BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Divide

All of the beings on Earth
Famous, poor
Rich, bored
Had no choice

Over what they were.
We say we are equal
But often forget
Many in our nation.

Smart or simple
Fierce or timid
Everyone gets to decide
who they are,
but not what they are.

When we destroy their homes,
When we lead them to their last day
Do we ever balance our priorities
With theirs?

They never chose to be


We can still help
Stitch the gap.

The author's comments:
This is a poem I wrote for school, but I do feel strongly for what I said. Although this poem appears to be about Humans discriminating against each other(and it kind of is) it is also about Humans general view on animals. I hurt inside when I see someone shoot a squirrel for fun. I hate watching my classmates bringing home dead deer and mounting them on the wall just for sport(It's pretty obvious they aren't killing them for food). All I'm trying to say in this poem is that no human or animal gets to choose who they are born as, and some die just because of bad luck, and we can help stop that.

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