Miracle on Spring street | Teen Ink

Miracle on Spring street

July 3, 2008
By Anonymous

The rain falls like tears on a baby's cheek, glistening, in a repetitive rhythm, 1,2,3,4, & 1,2,3,4. A red robin sings to his mate across the vast green forest," tweet, tweet, tweet, Come to me my love- your one & only” His call echoes all throughout the day piercing the sound of tears falling from puffy gray eyes in the dark uninviting sky, Flying fish display their bohemian scales when jumping into the soft flowing breeze outside of their underwater world. All of these creatures together create Nature’s beautiful symphony,Innocent children smile as cheeky thoughts float thru little heads. They splash water over stubby red fire hydrants with new, shiny yellow boots,they kick, splash, laugh, cry, hug as they jump and sing to the sky " Rain, Rain, Rain, go away Come again another day, this is ms. Sun’s day to shine" Puffy eyed clouds bow to a royal gold, soft disk rising in the sky painting it an ocean blue,
A thousand colors dance the samba;
magenta, saffron, lavender, emerald,
divine blue speckled in soft white,
Creating a magnificent rainbow that stretches from Texas to the Himalayas,
In this mist,A heavenly dog flaps her golden wings over this miracle called Nature

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