song lyrics | Teen Ink

song lyrics

July 1, 2008
By Anonymous

With every word I said
still spining in my head
I close my eyes
& scream for you
you never showed
no never

Now I'm left with nothing
and your walking with pride
I know you love her more
then you ever loved me
but I'm standing here empty handed
and all I have to show for it is a broken heart.

Its time for me to move on
and live my life
without you I'll be okay so don't worry now
because it's to late

your crawling back
and its so tempting
because my love for you will never die
but now its to late
so go away your chances with me
blew away so so long ago

Im moving on
and living my life
without you I'm now okay
and now I'm with him and
it's never to late

i'm walking with pride
without you and i'm happier
then ever
so love me from there and be happy that your still here
because i will always love you!

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