1 inch | Teen Ink

1 inch

January 12, 2012
By hannabananapancakes BRONZE, Pinellas Park, Florida
hannabananapancakes BRONZE, Pinellas Park, Florida
4 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm not a quote kinda person

Pockets full of stones
Soon to be the hallow bones.
Of someone who won’t be here
Kiss the water then disappear,
Breathe your last breath before you go
Let the only noise be the overflow.
Belly down and back up
You’ll float like flies in a cup,
Your heart beats loudly
And vision becomes cloudy.
Everything is fading,
Your lungs degrading.
Failing to rid of this foreign object,
This is where you feel the effect
Your chest tightens
Your body lightens.
Stones hold you, never letting you go
Stop struggling, listen to the overflow
Stop moving, let the water hold you
Keep your eyes open, see the dark blue.
Don’t accuse someone if thieving,
The life that you are leaving.

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