Daddy's Little Girl | Teen Ink

Daddy's Little Girl

June 29, 2008
By Anonymous

He walks out of the door
Without saying goodbye.
He is completely unmoved
By his infant daughter's cry.
Why is he leaving?
Oh why, oh why
Is he leaving his child
While she cries and cries?

13 years later she sits and waits
For the man that left,
For the man she can't hate.
She stands by the door
With a heart so sore.
Why did he leave her?
Oh why, oh why
Did he leave his child
While she cried and cried?

She arrived at her wedding,
No proof of a smile,
Because she has no father
To walk her down the aisle.
This should have been the sweetest day
But it was ruined when he walked away.
Why did he leave her?
Oh why, oh why
Did he leave his child
As she cried and cried?

"His neglect killed her,"
Everyone said,
"Because of him she lies here dead!"
Did he know
That to her, he meant the world?
All that she ever wanted
Was to be daddy's little girl.

Why is he leaving?
Oh why, oh why
Is he leaving his child
As she cries and cries?

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