Poseidon's Failed Attempt | Teen Ink

Poseidon's Failed Attempt

June 28, 2008
By Anonymous

Poseidon hurls waves of rain my way
But he’s fighting a senseless battle
My face is already adorned with tears
Thunder cracks miles away
Poseidon is trying to frighten me into going back
But I’ve been through more frightening times
When you and I were so far apart
And I won’t give up tonight
Poseidon thinks the dark of night will confuse me
But I know the way through the black
And my determination won’t falter again
The sky lights up for just one moment with a streak of lightening
But one moment was all the time I needed
To see your house up ahead
My slow, wheezing jog breaks into a sprint
Poseidon’s last attempt is a blanket of summer heat
It makes me wipe my forehead nervously
As I climb the steps to your house
When I ring the doorbell, Poseidon knows I’ve won
The night is clear when you answer the door
And together, we start to break down walls
Walls we built while we were broken
No thanks to Poseidon, we aren’t broken anymore

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