The Captain Remains with His Ship | Teen Ink

The Captain Remains with His Ship

May 2, 2008
By Anonymous

The ocean, cold as it can be,
pulling me into the sea,
stealing the last breath in me,
I numbly move my hands and feet,
clinging only to waves and hope.

But-cold and dark it still is,
for far beyond this emptiness,
the sun hides in the vast abyss,
its rays of warmth, like Heaven’s kiss,
urge me to keep holding on.

The boat that once was, but is no more,
now rests below on the ocean floor,
we’d encountered much, far greater storms,
and lived to do another day’s work,
Perhaps in defeat, they may finally find peace.

My perished crew, who had swam too slow
to escape the grasp of the sinking boat,
now find their peace far below.
Still, victorious peace alludes me so,
for of this perished crew, I am the captain.

And, ‘Down with the Ship’ I should’ve gone,
but selfishness moved my feet and arms,
that my body should have been so strong,
that it forced my soul to escape those gates.

Dawn, fast approaching, soon I will see,
my sight will confirm what I thought it to be;
Now I’m alone, it’s only me.
No body else, It’s only me.
And alas I can swim not one wave more.

To accept providence, I still think would be,
to admit defeat to some degree,
Still, I let rest my limbs, for the last guilty time breathe,
and join my crew beneath the sea the sea.
The captain remains with his ship.

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