My Mother | Teen Ink

My Mother

May 1, 2008
By Anonymous

What is a mother?
someone there
to share
your specialest moments

someone to love you
hold you and help you
no matter how wrong
you may be

someone to love you
to give you advice
but let you make the choice
a guiding light in life

someone to love you
no matter your behavior
or how lost you may get, because
in the end they'll bring you back

or maybe someone to love you
and yell at you when
you walk through the door
someone to always put you down

someone to love you
always there to tell you no
that you won't succeed
push you farther under

someone to love you
point out all your flaws
remember all your mistakes
to keep the negativity flowing

someone to love you
but not really
only when something is wanted
and only to love what I COULD be.

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