American Dreams | Teen Ink

American Dreams

February 21, 2008
By Anonymous

Everyone has a dream
Of becoming something
That everyone needs,
The kind that help others,
Through the bumps in their lives.

Everyone’s dreams began
As a young child
Becoming a nurse, a firefighter,
A police officer, or even the president.

But these dreams change over time.

A new wife and a husband
Have the dreams of having kids,
But in a place that they can
Go outside without being scared.

But will these dreams ever happen?

Families have dreams of
Getting their sons and daughters
Back from the war
Without getting a letter in the mail
About the loss.

But these dreams slowly fade.

People in big cities want to be
Able to go outside without
A big cloud of smoke in the air
And the ground shaking.

These are American dreams
Some dreams are reachable.
Others are so far away
It’s hard to believe they will happen.

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